A szem a lélek tükre...De mi a lélek szeme?

Leírom néha

Leírom néha

y 'n' me project

2009. szeptember 19. - cincinnatusz

My heart has a hole in it and you keep falling in and out of. I wish I could fix you there but I never have the time to be enough to make you stay for long. Is there any ’maybe’ for having our perfect touches not to be forgotten again and again? 

Will you ever long for a mystery growing out from a kiss? 

Will you ever own a miracle of love forcing you to constrain on the top of the Earth?

Keeping and loosing the same dream every night numerous times and never asking the question: ’Why should you belive in the same impossibility?’. Uncontrolled and unfinished words shake my soul as much as telling lies make tired. Tell me just one word which makes me wait for you to continue the truth so that I might get the strength of hope. 

Will you ever be able to get yourself out of meaningless disappointments to choose the satisfaction of pleasure? 

We live as we dream: alone.
Break down the walls of endless loneliness as long as I’m here and my heart holds you for long!

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He sees a million stars, like holes in the sky. All gods tears for him they cry. 
And I am in his rain.



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